Living Exciting and Meaningful Golden Year

Living Exciting and Meaningful Golden Year

105 participants from different churches, even as far as Tenom participated in a seminar on living exciting and meaningful golden years conducted by Dr Vivian Chan this morning. They are challenged to live an even more abundant life in service to God even at a senior...
Women Group visited STS Shoresh Bible Centre

Women Group visited STS Shoresh Bible Centre

學院的 “根源聖經中心” 在少有於如此時段進行講座的特殊安排之下, 週四的早上九點鐘, 迎來了一班超宗派教會的愛主姐妹們. 天父在她們多年一起尋求祂話語的渴慕中, 讓她們能在 “根源聖經中心” 找到了無限的歸屬感. 十七位姐妹們不單滿心感恩地搞清楚了自己的救恩確據, 更在晶瑩的淚珠裡堅定延續主耶穌的雙手在五餅二魚神跡中獻上與轉化祝福的工作, 立志以主耶穌雙眼所看的來調正看待時勢的眼光. 她們聲稱甚是喜歡, 獲益良多, 下次再來!...


中國訪問團一行九人, 包括中國基督教協會全國副會長兼江蘇省兩會主席,江蘇省神學院院長,淮安市兩會會長等人到訪沙巴神學院. 一位到訪領袖牧師的感言稱 :...