
耶稣既作为神与人之间的唯一中保,也是解开旧约奥秘的唯一钥匙。唯有透过祂的帮助,才能理解神救赎工作在旧约中的铺陈。就此,这课程将简单介绍如何解读旧约中的耶稣,并以此作为阅读旧约的进路,从而获得解读旧约的意义。 报名表格:https://forms.gle/rxeS9XgSXzouyvaT7 报名截止日期:2022 年 9 月 4 日 报名费用:个人报名 – RM40/人,团体报名(5人以上)– RM25/人 *团体报名的团队必须定下一位代表协助报名与联络。 详情请看表格...

James: Gospel-Centered Wisdom for Daily Life

Have you ever heard a sermon and thought, “So what? How does that affect my daily life?” You were left searching for the application. The Epistle of James is big on application, answering the question, “What does living out the Gospel look like?” Even though James is...