Hermeneutics – STS Online Certificate in Christian Studies

Hermeneutics – STS Online Certificate in Christian Studies

Hermeneutics—how to read, understand, and apply the Bible faithfully. STS Online Certificate in Christian Studies (Complete a total of 8 online courses: 4 biblical, 2 theology, 2 others) This is one of the biblical courses for the Online Certificate in Christian...
STS Landslide Situation Update

STS Landslide Situation Update

Update on the latest situation regarding the campus and landslide situation at Sabah Theological Seminary. We have consulted engineering professionals and they have given us an estimated cost of RM1.5 million for the remedial works and additional RM500,000 for the...


沙巴神学院云上书房:线上基督教信仰证书 (一共八科) 沙巴神学院线上基督教信仰证书选修科 課程名稱:心灵关顾 讲师:焦惠芳博士 课程简介: 看到心灵上有需要的人,想去帮助他们。 但面对他们时,可以做些什麽去关怀他们?怎样才能有效的帮助他们?焦老师将与你分享认识心灵关怀的基本概念,从圣经看全人关怀, 明白作为关怀者的特质,掌握基本辅导及关顾技巧,加强与受助者同行的信心。 课程纲要: 1.关顾的基本概念 2.圣经与全人关怀 3.关顾者的特质 4.基本关顾技巧 对象:欢迎有志在关怀服侍上装备或对此范畴欲加深认识者参加。...