by STS News | Feb 2, 2021 | Chinese, Announcement
活阅约翰福音(1):【重返家园(约1-4 章)】 做回神真实的儿女! 讲师:夏忠就博士 课程简介: 我们或者会想,在这充满挑战的时代里,如何让生活信仰扎实?透过宏观阅读方式研读约翰福音,让我们一起学习如何回归人的本相, “做回神真实的儿女”。夏忠就老师将带领大家一起从熟悉的经文中去探讨经文的原意,并尝试复原经文的叙述目的,从而巩固我们对神的信靠和同行。 本期的课程是【活阅约翰福音系列】四个单元的第一个:重返家园,“做回神真实的儿女”。 其余的三个单元将会是: 二. 家规新释 (约五至十二章)(2021/8) 三....
by STS News | Jan 29, 2021 | Announcement
STS mempunyai penerbitan yang tersendiri dan ingin memaklumkan bahawa terdapat buku-buku untuk dijual. Sila hubungi perpustakaan untuk maklumat yang lebih lanjut: 088-231 579. Semoga membaca dapat membuka minda dan memperdalam iman kita kepada Krisus. Dua buku berikut...
by STS News | Jan 13, 2021 | EN, Announcement
Ephesians: Relationship in Christ STS Online Certificate in Christian Studies (Complete a total of 8 online courses: 4 biblical, 2 theology, 2 others) This is one of the biblical courses for the Online Certificate in Christian Studies. Course Introduction: Ephesians...
by STS News | Jan 7, 2021 | BM, Announcement
Kitab Rut – Teologi dan Refleksi Kelas Dalam Talian oleh Seminari Teologi Sabah: Sijil Pelajaran Kekristianan Dalam Talian (Jumlah 8 Kursus) 4 Kursus Alkitab, 2 Kursus Teologi, dan 2 Kursus lain-lain. Kitab Rut adalah salah satu kursus teras. Pengenalan Kursus: Kitab...
by STS News | Dec 22, 2020 | Announcement, EN
Soon we shall celebrate Christmas. The hopes and fears of 2020 will be met in Jesus our Lord and Saviour. God in the flesh was born to us with the intent of sharing in the human condition. The church bears Christ to the world. We are called to be Christ’s hearts and...
by STS News | Dec 3, 2020 | Announcement, BM, Chinese, EN
Sabah Theological Seminary English Department Evening/Intensive Course Registration 2021 Jan-May Closing Date: Jan 11, 2021 or a week before classes begin. Early Registration and payment of fees will help in the preparation of teaching materials. Registration form:...