Advance Diploma In Christian Studies

Advanced Diploma In Christian Studies (ADipCS)

A two-year programme which aims to provide a solid theological foundation for lay leaders; on completion of the programme, candidates can continue on to a BD, or ordained ministry training, if desired.

Admission Requirements:

  • A baptised church member with sound mental health, proven learning ability.
  • A recognised university or college diploma, pass in STPM or the equivalent.


Biblical Exposition 21
BIB1015 Biblical Exegesis and Hermeneutics 3
OLT1015 OT Survey 1 3
OLT1016 OT Survey 2 3
NET1015 NT Survey 1 3
NET1016 NT Survey 2 3
Lan 1020 Biblical Greek 1 3
Lan 1010 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Language 3
Lan 1021 *Elective 1: Biblical Greek 2 E
Theology 9
THE1020 Theology 1 3
THE1021 Theology 2 3
THE2010 Christian Ethnics 3
History 5
HIS1011 World Christianity after 1500 3
HIS2010 Christianity in Malaysia/or country of origin of student 2
Pastoral 10
PAS3010 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counselling 3
PAS1010 Christian Spirituality or
PAS1030 Worship and Liturgy or
PAS2030 Marriage and Family Ministry & Counselling or
PAS1020 Homiletics 1 2
PAS2020 Homiletics 2 2
PAS3015 Discipleship and Leadership Development 3
Christian Education 6
CED2025 Ministry To Children & Adolescence 3
CED2035 Ministry To Youth & Adults (including Senior Citizens) or
CED2050 Curriculum Development & Teaching 3
Mission 3
MIS1010 Mission and Evangelism 1 3
Community 3
THE3020 Church and Society 3
SOC1030 Social Concern and Services or
Others 3
THE3020 English for Theology 3
Non-GPA 16
FED Field Education 4
MUS1010 Choir / Choral 1
LAN1051 LAN1052 LAN1053 / LAN1031 LAN1032 LAN1033 English Reading and Conversation (for CD and BM) / English Language Studies (for ED) 3
PAS1011 PAS1012 PAS1013 PAS1014 Spiritual Discipline and Character Formation 4
Seminar / Workshop ( R = Required, E = Elective)
SEM1011 Research and Writing R1
SEM1012 Interpersonal Relations Skills R1
SEM1013 Public Speaking E1
SEM1014 Financial Stewardship and Management E1
SEM1015 Sunday School Teachers Training E1
SEM1016 Contemporary Issues in Mission R1
SEM1017 Community Development E1
SEM1018 Selected Social Ministry or Counselling E1